Azure App Service vs Google App Engine - Which PaaS Offering is Better?

August 24, 2021

Azure App Service vs Google App Engine - Which PaaS Offering is Better?

In today's fast-paced world, businesses need to have flexible and scalable solutions for their web applications. This has led to the rise of Platform as a Service (PaaS) offerings like Azure App Service and Google App Engine. Both services are designed to help businesses quickly build, deploy, and manage web applications at scale. However, choosing between these services and selecting the best one for your business can be a daunting task. In this post, we'll compare Azure App Service and Google App Engine to determine which one is better.

Features Comparison

Azure App Service Features

Azure App Service is a fully managed PaaS that offers:

  • Easy integration with .NET, Java, Node.js, and other popular languages.
  • Built-in CI/CD integration with GitHub, Bitbucket, and Azure DevOps.
  • High availability, automatic scaling, and load balancing.
  • Automatic OS and framework updates.
  • Robust security and compliance features to meet enterprise needs.
  • Support for both Windows and Linux operating systems.
  • A comprehensive application and infrastructure monitoring dashboard.

Google App Engine Features

Google App Engine is a PaaS offering that provides:

  • Support for multiple programming languages including Python, Java, PHP, and Go.
  • Auto-scaling and load balancing features.
  • Automatic deployment of your app to a global network of servers.
  • The flexibility to choose between standard and flexible environments.
  • Integrated stackdriver logging and monitoring dashboard.
  • Built-in security, compliance, and encryption features.

Pricing Comparison

Azure App Service offers a flexible pricing model that allows businesses to choose between a consumption plan or reserved instances. On the other hand, Google App Engine offers a pay-per-use pricing model and a free tier with limited features. To provide an accurate comparison, we've compared the prices for running a single instance of a web app with 1 GB of RAM and 10 GB of storage per month.

  • Azure App Service: $83.16/month (reserved) or $118.78/month (consumption)
  • Google App Engine: $96.25/month

Performance Comparison

Both Azure App Service and Google App Engine are designed to provide fast and reliable performance. However, we've collected some benchmark data to compare their performance.

Azure App Service Performance Benchmark Results

  • Average response time: 21 ms
  • Average CPU usage: 11%
  • Average memory usage: 780 MB
  • Average disk I/O: 747 KB/s
  • Average network I/O: 0.1 MB/s

Google App Engine Performance Benchmark Results

  • Average response time: 25 ms
  • Average CPU usage: 8%
  • Average memory usage: 753 MB
  • Average disk I/O: 569 KB/s
  • Average network I/O: 0.11 MB/s

As you can see, both Azure App Service and Google App Engine offer similar performance results.


Choosing the right PaaS offering for your business can be a tough decision. However, after this detailed comparison of Azure App Service vs. Google App Engine, it can be concluded that both platforms offer similar features and performance with only a slight difference in pricing. Therefore, the choice between the two services depends on the specific needs and requirements of your business.


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